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Civil War in Russia (2)

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Thespiae hoplite, 5 century BC
Piacevolmente colpito, la foto non rende abbastanza, perfett ..
5 of 5 Stars!
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Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account.

 Thank you for your interest in our products and welcome to the fascinating world of wargame and military history miniatures!

 Dear friends!

The war in Ukraine and the resulting sanctions also affected the work of my store. Currently, it is not possible to accept payments from abroad directly. My friends abroad will accept payments for me via PayPal, and I will send orders, as before, from Russia. Payment will need to be made in Euro.

 Now delivery times in Europe and the USA are consistently between two weeks and a month. But still, there remains a certain probability of significant delays in the parcel on the way - keep this possibility in mind when placing an order.
Due to sanctions, there is currently no mail exchange between Russia and the following countries: Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Poland. Sending orders to these countries is possible through an intermediary in a neutral country, but this will, of course, increase the cost of delivery.

 If such possible difficulties and delays do not scare you, then you can pay for the order using the above method. In case of any problems with delivery, my friends will have the necessary amounts to compensate for possible damage, so you can not worry about the safety of your funds.

 The order is placed in the store in a standard way. If you choose PayPal payment, I will contact you via email and we will discuss further actions. Don't forget to check your spam folder - sometimes my emails may end up there. Usually I will write to you within one day.

 In addition, please keep in mind that now the cost of the order will not be calculated automatically when creating an order, as there is a significant difference in the cost of delivery to different countries. I will inform you of the cost of shipping the order to your country in a letter to the e-mail address you specified when placing the order.


 Sincerely, Mikhail.



 The Siberia studio offers you products of both its own production and other Russian manufacturers:

- Wargame Miniatures
- Models and terrain for wargame
- Collectible scale models (1:43, etc.)
- Collectible military history miniature (54 mm, 75 mm and others)
- Related products

 If you have any questions, you can contact this address: 


 The listed item price does not include postage.

 When paying with PayPal, you will need to add 10% to the total amount of the order (including postage) to cover the costs of conducting a transaction through intermediaries.


 The approximate weight of the item with postal packaging is indicated in the item description.

When your package is sent from me, an email with a tracking number will be sent to you to monitor the movement of the package.

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01.Thespiae hoplite, 5 century BC
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